jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Money Matters!

Today please write about issues of money. You might focus on some of the following:

Are you good with money or bad with money? Why do you think that is?

Do you sometimes have to borrow money from other people? Are you able to pay them back quickly? Or, do other people sometimes borrow money from you? Do they pay you back quickly?

Do you like to manage money, or is it something you dread?

How do you pay your bills? Online, at the bank, or another way?

Do you think public schools should teach children how to manage money, or is this the responsibility of parents and family?

Do you use a bank? Are you happy with it? Why, why not?

You may consider other money issues as well.

Please write about 350 words.

Also, make 2 brief comments on other students´ posts

Take care


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